• sympto: Learn how to manage your fertility

    sympto: Learn how to manage your fertility

  • thanks to the Sympto Stars app and with your instructor

    thanks to the Sympto Stars app and with your instructor

  • Quit the pill and learn to chart for fertility awareness

    Quit the pill and learn to chart for fertility awareness

Acomptes Apprentisage

60,00 CHF за продукт



Reminder on the Learning Program

With the Learning program, you learn symptothermy with the manual and have your observations validated on your account by your consultant via the secure message box.

How can I pay by installment the Learning program?

You can pay your follow-up in 3 times (3 x 60 Euros) in the store by clicking on the "buy" button at the top of this page.

To pay in 3 installments in 3 months: choose "Installement for sympto Learning program"  (60 Euros).
You will have to renew the payment twice in the next two months.

How do I get unlimited Sympto Stars Web access?

By taking a second Learning Program and paying monthly (3x 60 Euros): your counselor will be by your side for an additional 6 months and the Foundation will offer you unlimited web access.


About the Sympto Stars app:

iPhone Sympto Stars: you can subscribe to it in the App Store and benefit from 30 days trial free of charge.

Andoid Sympto Stars: you can subscribe to it in the Google Play Store and benefit from 30 days trial free of charge.

NB: All our follow-ups include access to Sympto Stars WEB (computer and smartphones).

The apps in the stores do not include counseling. They are intended for users who do not wish to take a follow-up.

It is possible to buy an unlimited WEB access (computer and smartphones) for 350 Euros (including one year of follow-up via the message -box) instead of taking an annual subscription to the app in the store. This access corresponds to two Learning Programs (2x175 Euros or 6x60 Euros). The Sympto Stars WEB version has been programmed exactly like the app. You just need  to create a shortcut from the login on sympto.org to the home screen of your smartphone.

Couple d'amoureux


How does this conception regulation work?

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Natural birth conception. You can manage your fertile window, your conception whish, also breastfeeding and premenopausal. Your data remain anonymous.

Gina sympto Counselor


With a counselor

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Try our counseling without any commitment



You win 30 Premium days (without counseling)

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Manuel Sympto


Ecological Birth Control and Pregnancy Achievement

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Tarifs Sympto


You enter the symptothermal world

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